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Sunday, August 8, 2010
060810 Satthe day whre i have my yog training!it was my 4th combined rehearsal alr.todae's CR had alot of spectators/ audiences sia.heart was thumping fast. almost skipped a beat! trainers told us to chant in our hearts:prayin all participants' safety, no rain n great success.some were plaein wit fire. i admit tt those plaein wit fire de, were v Brave indeed. i heard tt time one of my fren caught fire.he had fire on his shirt.n dey were lyk shouting:"FIRE! FIRE! SP is on FIREEE!!"hahah. cuz he's wearing our SP shirt. LOL!!aniwae, ytd was reali one of my unlucky dae.e dae in which i FELL! when we were abt to enter into e water platform as usual,i dint noe tt i were so suay enuff to fall.esp. *it was onli e start of e show jiu fall liaos*!jus a short description to u performing on marina water platform,where we have to carry 2kg fish props wit led lights.n wit a super duper hot costume which looks lyk a chicken wit feathers.frens alwaes danced chicken dance n some saein we'r lyk chickens takin fishes. hah!n wit a fake crocs shoes.*heard tt its nt designed by soka (my buddhist)*thou all of us were ranting alot, but we still had fun tgth!saein of e crocs shoes,becuz of tt performing shoe tt im wearing, made mi to fall on tis dae!fishes were to enter into e water platform from e 4 gates. (10 ppl in a straight line)im in gate 1 and is standin at 2nd position of e line. as my shoes were abit big, 1 of shoe actually DROPPED out! n i slipped n fell. causin mi to drop my fish props n hit my knee. aft which, besides mie, my fren who were standin beside mi and behind mi also fell.i heard tt both of them tripped onto sumting. total 3 of us fell sia.which causes e whole line to stop running as well.imagine tt dere were 4 main gates and 3 gates were running in, while 1 gate was stucked.e floor is super duper slippery esp with 1st i tried to run in without my fake crocs shoe, but i almost fall e 2nd time. so in e midst of performance, i quickly went to tel 1 of my trainers abt it. she was v kind to help mi find back my shoe n helped mi to wear it back durin my fish action.i felt super bad abou it..however, i heard tt e performance ytd overall were great.nw we're left wit 2more combined rehearsals.1 is on wed, 11th aug and sat, 14th aug - actual dae.time reali flies.reali hope tt we can actually perform well in e last 2 performance!gambateh to us! 080810 Sunphua was sick so cnt join us.must take gd care of urselve ger! drink gallons of water kays!Marina @ 2.15pm at same place as was our v 1st kite flying at marina barrage!e scenery was reali great.wit alot of kites soaring high up in e sky.colourful kites were flying arnd.just by looking at those pretty kites in e sky, can actually make 1 forget all unhappiness.when we reached dere, we went to put down our bags.spotted a v nice spot whre its wit shelter. hahah.1 security guard was v nice enuff to helped us set up our pretty FISH kite.aft settin up, we sat down n start to eat alr. picnic session str8 aft we reached marina barrage! it was hilarious.shld b aft flyin kite, tired den eat.but we'r v special to eat str8 away e moment when we reached dere.woops. piggys rite.we ate ai xin bread made by our dearest kris,1st choice tibits, oreos and ju hua cha~aft our picnic, we finally decided to fly our kite.our pretty fish kite was actually soaring up v highhh in e sky.pinned our hopes on the kite.Jiayou Jiayou!it was swimming up, uP..UP..UPP..till.........entangled! with 2 other kites flied by strangers.awwww!hahah. but luckily e guy was v kind to help us solve e knots.todae met alot of mr. nice guy actually.n when we're tired, we rest n plaed wit Uno cards.whre wy lost. forfeit her to find 1 shuai ge dere till we approve tt.n she said: "deres aso nt much shuai ge here".hahah. n hey, we're here to fly kite nt to spot shuai ges. lol!den we started to camwhore~with singapore flyer, marina bay sands, as well as Exhibition!rest of e fotos were wit wy. so lets wait 4 her to upload bahs!nw lets c our cam-whoring skills: pretty stairs!  exhibition camwhore!  postcard foto session @ exhibition! c von's bloated face. hahah.  fun time we had wit e foto comp! whre we can choose e diff backgrnd.  singapore flyer backgrnd!  n we were running here n dere crazily jus to take all tis fotos! ;D    mi n kris @ exhibition!  von n wy @ exhibition! overall was fun.thou it mght be abit sunny in e afternoon.but when its late afternoon, e sun set down n it was v cooling.esp: deres aircon in e exhibition!finally tmr is National Day! looking forward to it sia.1 more holidae b4 my work start. n tmr's gona b watchin alot of tv shows~soonest becumin crouch potato! ;D
Impt daes!
12th February-Pearly
26th February-Stephanie
5th March-Sharon
13th March-Xiao Xian
23th March-Siew Ping
26th April-Winston
3rd May-Wan Long
14th July-Jamie
27th July-M i
15th August-Ash
19th August-Douglas
7th September-QinBin
12th September-Qing Ling
26th September-Sing Yee
6th October-Clement
1st November-Wei Ling
2th November-Nelson
24th December-Valerie
25th December-Ignatius
31st December-Enoch
Luv toking crap~
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Edited -JiaXia-