Chit Chats!
July 29, 2007
August 5, 2007
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September 16, 2007
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December 16, 2007
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May 16, 2010
August 1, 2010
August 8, 2010
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February 27, 2011
Sunday, August 1, 2010
im backk~heres some updates on myself!250710whre i went wit my wonderful gzb men to kallang ice world for our ice skating!it was reali v fun!next time we shall go daiso to buy our own gloves instead of usin e ugly workglove haha!following are our fotos taken at ice world @ kallang leisure.p.s saw alot of jay chou fans. :/ Gzb @ Kallang Ice World  Our very 1st ticket to enter the ice world!  Our very 1st pair of ice skating figures!  ppl on ICE!  gzb on ICE! love tis pic lotss! thks to our phua's photography skills! ;D  gzb Cam-whore! spot our innocent cat? hah!  cam-whore again n again! sae "bleahhh"! ;P  went Just Acia to have our dinner!  evon's spicy terriyaki!  wy's n my terriyaki set!  phua's tom yam set!  side dish1 : prawn roll! side dish 2: chicken wings!  finally, craves for ice cream~ haha n thks 4 e lovely presentsss! love it loads! watch cum bag cum diy! best diy ever~ see below n u'll noe y! ;D
 pretty watch as its in PINK! lols! n heart shape is loved! <3>  im lovin e watch aloott! thksss guys!  best making of DIY card 2010!  n tt pretty ger is actually MEEE! lols!  "i love euuu!" i can be in dreamland by lookin at e card~ ;D  starring: GZB, our cuties! sooo cute!  thks to gzb 401 for making tis a wonderful dae! memorable time we spent tgth @ Ice world n Just acia. soon we'll b goin to skate again! 501 weeeeeeeeee! 270710 e date whre im older by another 1 yr! had training aft work due to some problem at marina bay floating platform. so had to change our trainings to tues instead. was actually told to mit my poly mates aft work, but due to last min changes, i had to go for trainings.
were actually v sry to them 4 e last min changes. so mitup changed to 290710 wit my poly mates.
aniwaes, afterall i went 4 my trainings with yog mates. dey were v nice to celebrate my bdae n bot chocolate cake 4 miie. blindfolded mi n surprised mi wit the bdae song n cake. vid is actually on fb lols.
 mii cutting e pretty cake~  wonderful yog peeps!  will actually miss them aft trainings. ;[ 290710 celebrations wit poly mates! went amk hub to eat Fish n Co aft my work. all r workin n r busy too. reali v grateful to them for cumin down. followin r e presents tt dey gave.  watch frm siewping, qingling n weiling! love it loads! thanks aloooot guys! its lovely! ;]  pretty butterfly neckacle frm pearly! thank youuu so muchh! v pretty! ;] so nw i shall end my lovely post with.... random-ness fotos! look at e following random fotos tt we took! shuai ge neh! Lol!
 wanying lookin @ her handsome guy!  evon lookin @ her charmin guy!  n lastly miie lookin @ my shuai ge too! hahah so we had e same taste! oops! definitely nt our type. ahahha too "white" n "beardy" ;/
lols okae shall end here nw~ thks all 4 e wonderful celebrations ya! n all e best to everyone in everyting we do~ HIP HIP HOORAY!
Impt daes!
12th February-Pearly
26th February-Stephanie
5th March-Sharon
13th March-Xiao Xian
23th March-Siew Ping
26th April-Winston
3rd May-Wan Long
14th July-Jamie
27th July-M i
15th August-Ash
19th August-Douglas
7th September-QinBin
12th September-Qing Ling
26th September-Sing Yee
6th October-Clement
1st November-Wei Ling
2th November-Nelson
24th December-Valerie
25th December-Ignatius
31st December-Enoch
Luv toking crap~
New mini pinky Lappy~
New hp~
Anime action figures
Cute Big stuff toys
Pinky PSP
Branded frm top to bottom!
Lots of $_$~
Kdrama/Anime vcds
Video games
Shopping siao!
Host: Blogger
Software: Macromedia Flash Pro 8, Adobe Illustrator
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Layout © Xavqior
Edited -JiaXia-