Chit Chats!
July 29, 2007
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Saturday, March 1, 2008
briefing fer todae!Lcen levis Missing case!!wanted!our senior has gone missing ever since 24th!he's been flushed down into e toilet bowl liaos.ryan: flushed to his home le.heeren staffs: flushed down together wit e shyts.LOL da time pass slowly, bo ppl cumin in sia.i've been hittin lots of mosquito liaos.lols.i flipped to da 2007 dec briefing in da briefin bk..dey wrote..pls do nt help customer sew her jeans, cuz gt dog fur n nv wash her jeans.LOL siia.den 1 ger came in to ask fer carton.cuz her shop gt 1 customer nids tt.ryan, our 1st in charge gib her.ger: " if e customer doesnt wan, u guys wan e carton back? "ryan: " dunid le. "marcus: " take out 5bucks, bring back 5bucks! "lols.den ryan told us abt his LOL incident.ryan: " u noe hor.. her in charge is gay leiix. "ryan: " tt time her in charge came to tried our jeans...den he sae he cant take off his jeans, n nid mii to help him take off. "miie: " den u gt help him take off arhx? "ryan: " yarhs, den he locked e door larhx.."marcus: " u still virgin anot? LOL! "eric: " u're blushin arhx. LOL! "ryan: " ... how to do tt in fitting room larhx.."marcus: " can marhx, y cannot? "ryan: " shut upp! "LOL. we laughed siia.btw, we've hit our target.68k!overhit!more commission!!now 73k~nice job well done!thou its nt all my job.haa, cuz my sales sumtimes laoya lo.sian-ed lor.if hit 75k, ryan goin to treat us sehx.too bad bo.sad..haa. tmr afternoon shift!tata :)ps. i dun lyk reshuffle!noooo to reshuffle..
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
my results r out in jux a few hrs ago~27th result out sia.summore out at 12am i tiink?tis r my result~ last time semester 1 i gt gpa of 2.92.toopid lorhx.soo it hai le combine gpa gt 3.1 nia.sadd.aniwae after checkin my grades i can finally slp le.tmr workin full shift. Argh!tata :)
Monday, February 25, 2008
24th. ytd i sae tt im nt goin to tok to him de. im being cold towards him todae. bo bian marhx. in order to prevent da toopid rumours frm spreadin. so i bo simi tok to him lorhx. cuz he's beta in chinese n onli im da onli chinese dere, thus he tok to miie in mandarin. malay collegues dun even understand mardarin. so tis misunderstandin becum bigger n bigger. n dey sae he's my bf. wth can. e more dey sae, de more im angry lorhx. dey're so wu liao sia. ARGH!forget it. ==
aniwae. todae mine 2pm shift. saw kelvin, our 2nd in charge, walkin rite in front of miie. finally he's nt late animore. onli nt late fer afternoon shift i tink, lols. cuz tt time when i mornin shift wit him, he was late fer 1hr lorhx. ==Zzz todae 2.15pm suddenly 2nd in charge told 1st in charge that he wana go to da toilet. 1 hr has past... 2hr past... 3hr past... he's still nt back yet. mb cuz ytd he was kena scolded or reprimanded? tts y he's nt cuming back? kelian arhx. i can sae he's sumtimes abit sot sot de.
1st in charge sae tt 2nd is too overboard. 1st: "ur father is too much liao". father as in he's our coach. he's nt arnd fer da whole afternoon when he's suppose to b dere. now we're short of full-timer. thus dey called fer eric frm heeren to cum help us. eric told miie tt kelvin has taught miie da wrong stuffs sia. miie: "523 n 525 nt low waist mehx?" eric: "wth? im goin to faint. huu tell u de?" miie: "kelvin teach de" eric: "kelvin again. tt troublemaker" blah blah. kelvin realli taught miie e wrong stuffs? mygod arhx. p.s to sharon, those codes tt i gib u r taught by 2nd in charge n now i heard tt its wrong. mens jeans all Mid waist, 501 low waist cuz due to e design. ladys style all Mid wasit. okie, tts all.
hais... nvm, aniwae he aso make an effort to teach miie. i wont forget tt. thks aniwae too. but todae tt he's missing fer e whole afternoon is realli too overboard liaos. im still tinkin tt shld i msg to ask him wad happened to him todae. shld i or shld i not? shld i show some concern(tts wad kenny told miie when i asked him) or shld i jux ignore? but i dun wan da misunderstandin to roll lyk a snowball arhx.-__- toopid larhx.missin case? or he purposely de? im still wondering.
den kelvin's brother came to look fer him. his bro: "whre's kelvin? he's nt workin todae?" miie: "he told 1st in charge tt he's goin to toilet, till now he's nt back yet." his bro: "huh? oh okie. thks." thus i told 1st in charge abt kelvin's bro visit. 1st in charge, ryan: "wad did his bro sae?" miie: "he sae oh okie nia" ryan: "jux liddat? huh? whre's he?" miie: "he went off liaos" aiyo, i shld hab stop kelvin's bro frm goin sia. n let his bro n ryan tok. i ben lai wana stop him frm goin de, but i can sense tt its somehow or rather.. its kelvin's family matter. cuz frm e look of his bro's sudden visit. his visit shows tt he wana tok to him impt things.. i tink so? sian-ed. so mani things happened todae.
ryan beri fan aso. he liquid off kelvin's shifts fer da rest.. n he changed my off dae frm 26th to 25th. now 26th im workin morning shift. haiis.. sad. i cant celebrate steph bdae liaos. sryy. happi bdae to yea in advance too.. cuz i c ryan so fan nao, thus i sui bian. changed all my plans on 26th de to 25th.
aniwae, i wonder tmr 25th, will kelvin, our 2nd in charge appear? wad will he sae? or is he realli gone missing? ==ll mb he might appear on tv? missing case. =X hai dao wo de plannings hab to move forward.
tmr 25th goin to mit chien ting for her levis interview. im bringin her to da tpy hq to try her luck. gdlucks to her :) n den mit kenny at sp to appeal fer his poly course. heard tt he wana appeal fer my course? lols. funni. aniwae gdluck too. tmr goin to ask my collegue abt da incident liaos. cuz i aso duno how to msg kelvin aso.
okie. slpin liaos. tmr is goin to b a brighter dae!tata :)
Sunday, February 24, 2008
21th.went fer poly thingy.2 programmes~i've learnt alot sehx.on how to take care of our face.i've been so much stress!toopid of miie to b so stress during o lvl. =Xlols.aniwae im goin to maintain it liaos.haa.22th.saw wei jian at sbw long bo c him liaos.lols.den mit kenny n went wif him to his army interview.1-2hrs of bus ride sia.n during tt journey i gt to watch da chn 8 de 9pm show on mobiletv sehx.tts realli cool sia.cuz its normally air in chn 8 de 9pm nia.i earn tio sehx.cuz i workin aso cant c.haa.den i heard tt his commando nid to hab 8mins 2.4km run.tts crazy!but heng he dunid to retake his napfa test.lols. but if its miie, i nid to retake.cuz napfa gt expiry date!!expired within 1yrs time~funni, still gt expiry date.den after his interview, den i rushed off to work at 2pm till 11pm.tts all~workin is still tt boring.lols, cuz we're standin dere hitting chang ying!23th.todae work at levis 2pm!heard tt dere's an office i reach dere early, lols.saw kathlyn dere liaos.shes da "head" of our levis Lcen.Lcen- centrept.lols. tts our code.heex.aniwae todae i gt an individual sales of 1k+ sehx.did i step on ani dog shyt? lols, y i so heng todae?haa.cuz todae gt 1 china guy bot 7 jeans!!he sae he gt 4 sons in china.i tot he's trying to li siao miie or wad so ever.i aso tot he's some kind of a mad man cuming in our store sehx.lols.he wanted size 28 to 36 de mens jeans.i digged out all loads of diff design fer him.n finally he sae enuff.LOL.funni sehx.i gt a shock.aso w/o even trying e size of his own, he jux bot ALL!!tts da 1st customer huu bot so many jeans frm us.n our supervisor is lyk smiling all da wae!he's happi dao bao!!LOL.he's a rich man i can sae!!den gt 1 customer left his hp in 1 of our mark down jeans.luckily he came back to look fer it sia.if nt others would hab take liao worx.n my collegue still sae, if he noes he cfm will take arhx.LOL.todae is such an interestin n funni dae sehx.=Paniwae our target for tis mth is 68k!!!if can reach 80k de hua, our supervisor sae we will go out celebrate!!woots~btw we happi fer wad sehx, de 80k aso nt ours!LOL.haa.part timer gt 50bucks fer hitting sales target i heard.tts beri little =Xfull timer gt alot more im nt mama n tt old man is nt my bf can!toopid larhx, so blur n lame de him i dun wan lorhx. lols.aniwae, toopid rumours. im nt goin to tok to him animore.lols.okie, tts fer all now.tata :)
Impt daes!
12th February-Pearly
26th February-Stephanie
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25th December-Ignatius
31st December-Enoch
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