Chit Chats!
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Saturday, December 6, 2008
Yesh! finally our exams hab ended! careless mistakes again.
most funniest is da econs paper. whre i circled e most funni ans. 1) i circled answer: no ans tabulated as base yr nt given. i wanted to circle the answer " standard living risen" de! but duno y i didnt. i was lame enuff to circle tt "no base yr given"-.- cant believe tt during class test, it was e same qns n i got it correct! now i circle wad a funni ans. LOL. was e paper too easy till im too high? haa. *cuz i can sae tt tis sem econs paper is realli alot easier den previous econs papers sooo far x 100!
2) another qns ii circled 1million. (x-m) = $500,000 after calculations. ans is whether exports, X, exceeds import, M, by how much. noticed tt its "exceeds M by" !! thus, X has to be $1 million, in order to minus M, $500,000 to get $500,000. therefore, X exceeds M by** $500,000. ans: $500,000 / $1million. i was lyk tinking, "tricky qns, wont trick mi" (tis qns nan bu dao wo) n i HAPPILY circled 1million as my ans. funni lohs. -.- tinking aback, it was a real LAME mistake. LOL. i realli feel lyk banging e wall.
faints. forget it. lols. -.- aniwae its over~ now.. ENJOYMENT time!!! 3wks bbbbrrrreeeeeeaaaakkkkk~~~~~~~~~ im going MAD about holidaes~! lols!!
below pic of big butt, qingling wit mr JJ!! shuai rites? lols, i wana cut or crop qingling away. HOHO!! xD next, little red dot building! ;) wit sharon, qingling n siew ping. whre we went butterfly music for our itp! funni. sae we're CRAZY or MAD or DAYDREAMING bahs~ wadever. no harm trying rites? lols. somemore we went dere on mondae, after our wsd paper. n habnt study for next dae stats paper. haa.
    den took cab down to mediacorp. whre my 3 fingers kena KAP at e doors of e cab. OUCH! blue-black again le lahs. faints!!! tis yr finger alwaes tio blue black sia. -.- 1) plae arcade hitting game tio. 2) cab to mediacorp tio. how suay im! =.=
dey laughed n still sae im nt anxious at all. as im lyk, "big butt, ur door KAP dao my fingers" no screams no nothing. lols, i aso duno whyyy -.- mb its nt realli pain la. cuz e door is made of rubber. phew!! if not 3 of my fingers will b gone liao. n big butt hab to be my fingers liao. lols. *i myself aso duno y i put my fingers dere. *mb when she open e door, i got e tendency to hold it bahs. lols, how suay im! -.-
miie wit barney! ;P
ms big butt. ha. ;P
us~! ;) todae, after exams. went orchard wit sp, pearly n qling. almost lost our wae. LOL. cuz of rennovations. ate kfc n chit chatted alot. whre an OLD* lady spilled her drinks n kena her 2 pcs chicken meal. she demanded for a change for her 1 pc chicken. its her fault in spilling, tts wad butt saw. n euu shld c her demanding face! wad a rude customer~! kfc still smiled n changed 1 pc chicken for her sia. she didnt even sae a single thank you. wth man. rude! may she turn into a chicken lohs. LOL. *i sae OLD auntie, cuz she's damn rude. no matter how young she is, she's OLD to miie. LOL.
den walk-ed over to kino to buy 2009 planner~ n bot mickey mouse laguage tag wit my name on it. woots. soo cute~! tis is whre we saw pooh n tiger at taka! ;P
  den walked over to bread talk. n saw XIAO QIANG!! omg~! peeps, beware! its soo disgustin. at taka somemore. -.- below da prove.
4 of us~! big head in front. LOL!
haa. darker now~ after tt, qling went for her BU FEI. a buffet whre she will nv eat fat de. LOL. while i went to find GongZhuBang~! we shopped almost e whole of orchard. haa. nt tt exaggerating ;P chit-chatted alot. whre their klass aso starts bdae cele thingy. n huu kip e ball rolling~? it was one of e boiis in their klass. how amazing. boys aso interested? waa. u're wrong. becuz of a ger. lols -.-
alot gossips n stories for miie to listen. LOL =x im so lyk auntie or ah ma in e wet market liaos. LOL xDD den we shopped far east. whre miss chien ting eyed on caps. edc brand or no brand but design, would she go for? she's troubled. lols wei le hats she aso troubled. haa. mb she nids time to decide. no rush in buying things~!
i nid a SUPER SAVER plan! lols!! im spendthrift? o.O O.o no bahs. nt to a certain extent yet. lols. cuz i dun go for brands. if i buy branded stuffs, i can get alot non-branded stuffs lo. wad a waste. i can sae those buyin branded stuffs r more spendthrift den miie. m i rite? ha. *nodds. xD
den we discussed to make polo tees for GZB. little missy~! ;) whre i nid to find e pics online. i nid to remind myself often. if nt i will forget. LOL.
kay, do that tmr. ha. damn slpy cuz of exam wk~! tatas! slping time~ ;P
Impt daes!
12th February-Pearly
26th February-Stephanie
5th March-Sharon
13th March-Xiao Xian
23th March-Siew Ping
26th April-Winston
3rd May-Wan Long
14th July-Jamie
27th July-M i
15th August-Ash
19th August-Douglas
7th September-QinBin
12th September-Qing Ling
26th September-Sing Yee
6th October-Clement
1st November-Wei Ling
2th November-Nelson
24th December-Valerie
25th December-Ignatius
31st December-Enoch
Luv toking crap~
New mini pinky Lappy~
New hp~
Anime action figures
Cute Big stuff toys
Pinky PSP
Branded frm top to bottom!
Lots of $_$~
Kdrama/Anime vcds
Video games
Shopping siao!
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Edited -JiaXia-