Chit Chats!
July 29, 2007
August 5, 2007
August 12, 2007
August 19, 2007
August 26, 2007
September 2, 2007
September 9, 2007
September 16, 2007
September 23, 2007
September 30, 2007
October 7, 2007
October 14, 2007
October 21, 2007
October 28, 2007
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December 30, 2007
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March 16, 2008
March 23, 2008
March 30, 2008
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June 22, 2008
July 6, 2008
July 20, 2008
August 24, 2008
September 14, 2008
September 21, 2008
September 28, 2008
October 5, 2008
October 12, 2008
October 19, 2008
October 26, 2008
November 2, 2008
November 9, 2008
November 16, 2008
November 23, 2008
November 30, 2008
December 14, 2008
December 21, 2008
December 28, 2008
January 4, 2009
January 25, 2009
February 15, 2009
March 8, 2009
March 22, 2009
March 29, 2009
May 3, 2009
May 17, 2009
June 14, 2009
October 4, 2009
December 27, 2009
May 16, 2010
August 1, 2010
August 8, 2010
August 29, 2010
October 31, 2010
January 2, 2011
February 27, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
yo! im finally here after been missing for 2mths frm tis blog? haha.. i admit i was rather lazy to update blog liaos. oops. aniwae some updates frm myself recently! those who r rather close wit mi shld b able to noe wad i'v been busyin with rites. cuz im lazy to write another essay again. tskk. essays r meant for private blogs somewhre. haha find it if u can. but i doubt so.. dadadada~ okae enuff of craps. to cut short or rather to summarise:
recently our SUJ (Soka University of Japan) has came to Singapore! woohoO! we welcome them wit our soka flags and wit our warm cheers~ haha den we had our grp fotos taken at e Airport. p.s. dey'r all v kawaii! hehe. most imptly is tt dey'r studying Early Childhood de! all love kids so muchh.~ same here! i love kids alot toooo! ;p haha n den we brought them to Chinatown to makan~ however, we missed out sentosa outings with them as we'r rather busy wit own stuffs. just to share it wit u guys~ below is our grp foto b4 dey actually left Singapore:
 miss u guyss! will update blog again soon if possible~ tskk. cheers! -JiaXia
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Happy New Year 2011 guys! tis' my 1st post in 2011. time reali flies n by yr, most of us r nw 22 yrs old alr~ wooo. sounds old? oops. we'r all somehw been v matured nw. due to our environment or circumstances, i believe all of us hav grown much.
thks everyone for being my frens in 2010~ lets embarked a new history for 2011! besides i noe all are busy wit their own stuffs, regardless its skooling or working. n thou i might nt b contactin most of u, but u'r still nt forgotten!
jus an update on my last dae last yr of 2010! went boon lay makan lunch at ajisen wit sp n pika. passd him e presents n den headed off for our early countdown wit our laalaa, wl. while waitin for pika's bro, panda n my bro, kc. we went to plae pool at marina square.
its been a longgg time ever since i touch e pool table. lols. n slowly i'v gotten used to plaein it. while we were playing, kc, panda, zc n their gang went pariss for their wonderful buffet which cost them 45+ bucks. wooot! another ting is tt i'v finally bot camera~ to capture all e wonderful memories! here goesss.

 after our pool, we went makan n shopped arnd while waitin for e rest. funny ting happened when we were buying for "mineral" water. wl's watson, wl's pharmacy.. n wl's sweat. i was been conned by its appearance n kip tinkin tt it was mineral water. until when i drank it, i said "tis aint mineral water?" aww. tts when i was being laughed at! wl: "u dint noe it isnt mineral?!" ha! tts when i was shocked. all e while i tot it was plain water thus i bot tt. den i found out its energy drink! tsk, im so blur. no wonder its tasted like Sweat! lols.
aft all our laughters, we headed to esplanade. walking slowly for our countdown while waitin for e rest, again. dey took quite long for their buffet indeed. n cam-whore in toilet usin my cam~
tts whre we'r at for our countdown~ esplanade!
 it was indeed alot of pple dere. all reali ks enuff sia. seated down comfortably at esplanade riverside for e countdown. den finally we squeezed in and found 3 mini space. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Happy New Yr! everyone was superb excited~ with amazing fireworks right in front of us. n i even video take e whole fireworks. hands were numb but it was all worthed it! as its using New cam, New event, New year wit New frens!
us at Esplanade wit Marina Bay Sands as our background. cool rites? hee.
due to mani of e road blocks, panda zc n the rest were unable to find us.

thus, we mit at amk for further activities at pool~ 2011. 1st dae of e yr, happy bdae to our zc! we enjoyed alot esp our bdae boi. haha cuz everyting was bein paid by panda. ahemm. thks da ge! lols. e fun lasted till 3am+ n every1 was superb tired so all of us cab home.
Happy New Year 2011 Everyone!
wish all e best to all~
Saturday, November 6, 2010
ellos! decided to start off sumtin cute. hehe, aint babies cute? dey'r jus simply adorable! living in this world without any stress n problems. lols, lets b lyk him okay! *smiles*
jus some updates abt my activities these few daes. poly 50! we had spent some time in doin e 100 souvenirs. special thks to e souvenir com. its a mini bottle wit our sensei daisaku ikeda's guidances. it is to encourage every1 in their endeavours~ if u guys nid any encouragements, u may google for his guidances. smiles!
another type of souvenirs are limited edition kind. wit diff colors in it. cool huh!
sumore we aso have a theme to it. sesame streets theme! super funny. drawn by our artist and den we traced lols.
27oct, poly 50 actual dae! a total of 6 teams of current students n 2 teams alum-nua b4 we start our race, nid some stretchin n warm ups.
aft e whole run, it was a great success! we cheered "海鸥,共战,常胜"
it was indeed a great experience in poly 50! thou durin e run, u may feel lyk givin up, but aft hearin e cheers frm ur team and every1, u'll jus automatically continue to run even faster wit all e encouragements dey'r all such a wonderful peeps! let mi noe if any1 of u wana join us for next yr poly 50 ya! hehe. early bird registration~
next, 30th oct. went marina barrage for kite flyin cum picnic wit my poly mates! on e same time, to celebrate weiling's 21st n nelson's 20th bdae~ dey'v actually prepared lots of food n fruits. includin cooked n well prepared food~
 aft tis, i went clarke quay wit my spsd mates for halloween nite~ it was my 1st time celebratin halloween, it was a great experience!
n we had our dinner at waraku~ was shocked by e size of bowl haha. if i dint rmb wrongly, last time ate at heeren outlet, e bowl wasnt so huge ba? lols.
den we went to walk arnd clarke quay some were dressed up for the halloween party however we dint. instead, we went for a dressed up "photoshoot" we were told to change diff kinds of accessories within 4secs and given 4shots in a row after which, dey gave us 1 instant photo for memory. it was fun thou!
yupp! so tt's all for my updates. tata!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
yo. im back!let mi present to u:SHINEE!   woohoo!kpop nite 2010 n super show 3 asia tour in Spore.kpop pricing (Rumoured): VIP $298, $168, Regular $98.dun tel mi wy is goin! lols if u gg den must take alot fotos hor! hee.aniwae its been quite awhile since yog saddening when we're nt invited to go 4 closing ceremony.even if its to perform or watch during closing, i wouldnt mind.all e emotions would have been swirling inside us if we were dere durin closing must have been hard on e young athletes.dey've been throu so much n nw it has ended.everthing lies on those who have experienced it.its nt tt easy to describe wad dey'v matter wad u've been throu, jus tel urself: others can do it, so can u!dere's this video that i would like to share: tt vid:its tokin bou when we'r young, we'll still do things as our way.tinkin tt everyting is we were then, creative with strong belief.but things tend to b different when we becum adults.things changed n we would tink tt everyting is not possible.but if we were still a kid, we could have taken tt action n make it possible.its the power of believe n aso courage to take action.everyting boils down to our own determinations.n aso jus a short encouragement frm my buddhist sensei (ssa soka)as he wrote alot books of encouragements to the whole worldincludin peace proposal to the united nations.deres tis short encouragement i would like to share:we experience sufferings after another.we are assailed by hardships.that is the reality of life.but each of us possess the power to solemnly face n overcome all these obstacles.the point is whether we believe this and are actually able to manifest this strengththat is the key to Victory!- Daisaku Ikeda.below r some of our fotos for memories:      
Sunday, August 8, 2010
060810 Satthe day whre i have my yog training!it was my 4th combined rehearsal alr.todae's CR had alot of spectators/ audiences sia.heart was thumping fast. almost skipped a beat! trainers told us to chant in our hearts:prayin all participants' safety, no rain n great success.some were plaein wit fire. i admit tt those plaein wit fire de, were v Brave indeed. i heard tt time one of my fren caught fire.he had fire on his shirt.n dey were lyk shouting:"FIRE! FIRE! SP is on FIREEE!!"hahah. cuz he's wearing our SP shirt. LOL!!aniwae, ytd was reali one of my unlucky dae.e dae in which i FELL! when we were abt to enter into e water platform as usual,i dint noe tt i were so suay enuff to fall.esp. *it was onli e start of e show jiu fall liaos*!jus a short description to u performing on marina water platform,where we have to carry 2kg fish props wit led lights.n wit a super duper hot costume which looks lyk a chicken wit feathers.frens alwaes danced chicken dance n some saein we'r lyk chickens takin fishes. hah!n wit a fake crocs shoes.*heard tt its nt designed by soka (my buddhist)*thou all of us were ranting alot, but we still had fun tgth!saein of e crocs shoes,becuz of tt performing shoe tt im wearing, made mi to fall on tis dae!fishes were to enter into e water platform from e 4 gates. (10 ppl in a straight line)im in gate 1 and is standin at 2nd position of e line. as my shoes were abit big, 1 of shoe actually DROPPED out! n i slipped n fell. causin mi to drop my fish props n hit my knee. aft which, besides mie, my fren who were standin beside mi and behind mi also fell.i heard tt both of them tripped onto sumting. total 3 of us fell sia.which causes e whole line to stop running as well.imagine tt dere were 4 main gates and 3 gates were running in, while 1 gate was stucked.e floor is super duper slippery esp with 1st i tried to run in without my fake crocs shoe, but i almost fall e 2nd time. so in e midst of performance, i quickly went to tel 1 of my trainers abt it. she was v kind to help mi find back my shoe n helped mi to wear it back durin my fish action.i felt super bad abou it..however, i heard tt e performance ytd overall were great.nw we're left wit 2more combined rehearsals.1 is on wed, 11th aug and sat, 14th aug - actual dae.time reali flies.reali hope tt we can actually perform well in e last 2 performance!gambateh to us! 080810 Sunphua was sick so cnt join us.must take gd care of urselve ger! drink gallons of water kays!Marina @ 2.15pm at same place as was our v 1st kite flying at marina barrage!e scenery was reali great.wit alot of kites soaring high up in e sky.colourful kites were flying arnd.just by looking at those pretty kites in e sky, can actually make 1 forget all unhappiness.when we reached dere, we went to put down our bags.spotted a v nice spot whre its wit shelter. hahah.1 security guard was v nice enuff to helped us set up our pretty FISH kite.aft settin up, we sat down n start to eat alr. picnic session str8 aft we reached marina barrage! it was hilarious.shld b aft flyin kite, tired den eat.but we'r v special to eat str8 away e moment when we reached dere.woops. piggys rite.we ate ai xin bread made by our dearest kris,1st choice tibits, oreos and ju hua cha~aft our picnic, we finally decided to fly our kite.our pretty fish kite was actually soaring up v highhh in e sky.pinned our hopes on the kite.Jiayou Jiayou!it was swimming up, uP..UP..UPP..till.........entangled! with 2 other kites flied by strangers.awwww!hahah. but luckily e guy was v kind to help us solve e knots.todae met alot of mr. nice guy actually.n when we're tired, we rest n plaed wit Uno cards.whre wy lost. forfeit her to find 1 shuai ge dere till we approve tt.n she said: "deres aso nt much shuai ge here".hahah. n hey, we're here to fly kite nt to spot shuai ges. lol!den we started to camwhore~with singapore flyer, marina bay sands, as well as Exhibition!rest of e fotos were wit wy. so lets wait 4 her to upload bahs!nw lets c our cam-whoring skills: pretty stairs!  exhibition camwhore!  postcard foto session @ exhibition! c von's bloated face. hahah.  fun time we had wit e foto comp! whre we can choose e diff backgrnd.  singapore flyer backgrnd!  n we were running here n dere crazily jus to take all tis fotos! ;D    mi n kris @ exhibition!  von n wy @ exhibition! overall was fun.thou it mght be abit sunny in e afternoon.but when its late afternoon, e sun set down n it was v cooling.esp: deres aircon in e exhibition!finally tmr is National Day! looking forward to it sia.1 more holidae b4 my work start. n tmr's gona b watchin alot of tv shows~soonest becumin crouch potato! ;D
Sunday, August 1, 2010
im backk~heres some updates on myself!250710whre i went wit my wonderful gzb men to kallang ice world for our ice skating!it was reali v fun!next time we shall go daiso to buy our own gloves instead of usin e ugly workglove haha!following are our fotos taken at ice world @ kallang leisure.p.s saw alot of jay chou fans. :/ Gzb @ Kallang Ice World  Our very 1st ticket to enter the ice world!  Our very 1st pair of ice skating figures!  ppl on ICE!  gzb on ICE! love tis pic lotss! thks to our phua's photography skills! ;D  gzb Cam-whore! spot our innocent cat? hah!  cam-whore again n again! sae "bleahhh"! ;P  went Just Acia to have our dinner!  evon's spicy terriyaki!  wy's n my terriyaki set!  phua's tom yam set!  side dish1 : prawn roll! side dish 2: chicken wings!  finally, craves for ice cream~ haha n thks 4 e lovely presentsss! love it loads! watch cum bag cum diy! best diy ever~ see below n u'll noe y! ;D
 pretty watch as its in PINK! lols! n heart shape is loved! <3>  im lovin e watch aloott! thksss guys!  best making of DIY card 2010!  n tt pretty ger is actually MEEE! lols!  "i love euuu!" i can be in dreamland by lookin at e card~ ;D  starring: GZB, our cuties! sooo cute!  thks to gzb 401 for making tis a wonderful dae! memorable time we spent tgth @ Ice world n Just acia. soon we'll b goin to skate again! 501 weeeeeeeeee! 270710 e date whre im older by another 1 yr! had training aft work due to some problem at marina bay floating platform. so had to change our trainings to tues instead. was actually told to mit my poly mates aft work, but due to last min changes, i had to go for trainings.
were actually v sry to them 4 e last min changes. so mitup changed to 290710 wit my poly mates.
aniwaes, afterall i went 4 my trainings with yog mates. dey were v nice to celebrate my bdae n bot chocolate cake 4 miie. blindfolded mi n surprised mi wit the bdae song n cake. vid is actually on fb lols.
 mii cutting e pretty cake~  wonderful yog peeps!  will actually miss them aft trainings. ;[ 290710 celebrations wit poly mates! went amk hub to eat Fish n Co aft my work. all r workin n r busy too. reali v grateful to them for cumin down. followin r e presents tt dey gave.  watch frm siewping, qingling n weiling! love it loads! thanks aloooot guys! its lovely! ;]  pretty butterfly neckacle frm pearly! thank youuu so muchh! v pretty! ;] so nw i shall end my lovely post with.... random-ness fotos! look at e following random fotos tt we took! shuai ge neh! Lol!
 wanying lookin @ her handsome guy!  evon lookin @ her charmin guy!  n lastly miie lookin @ my shuai ge too! hahah so we had e same taste! oops! definitely nt our type. ahahha too "white" n "beardy" ;/
lols okae shall end here nw~ thks all 4 e wonderful celebrations ya! n all e best to everyone in everyting we do~ HIP HIP HOORAY!
Impt daes!
12th February-Pearly
26th February-Stephanie
5th March-Sharon
13th March-Xiao Xian
23th March-Siew Ping
26th April-Winston
3rd May-Wan Long
14th July-Jamie
27th July-M i
15th August-Ash
19th August-Douglas
7th September-QinBin
12th September-Qing Ling
26th September-Sing Yee
6th October-Clement
1st November-Wei Ling
2th November-Nelson
24th December-Valerie
25th December-Ignatius
31st December-Enoch
Luv toking crap~
New mini pinky Lappy~
New hp~
Anime action figures
Cute Big stuff toys
Pinky PSP
Branded frm top to bottom!
Lots of $_$~
Kdrama/Anime vcds
Video games
Shopping siao!
Host: Blogger
Software: Macromedia Flash Pro 8, Adobe Illustrator
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Layout © Xavqior
Edited -JiaXia-